The Art of Tequila: Unveiling the Traditional Craft
Echoes from Colonial Eras
Copper Deposits Unearthed Following Mountain Collapse in Katanga
China announced $50bn of new investments in Africa, but concerns remain about how it will address the continent's environmental challenges.
The Face of Tomorrow: Exploring Global Demographic Shifts in the Next 80 Years
Botswana’s safari tourism industry remains vital to its economy, but the country is looking for new ways to profit from its ecosystems.
A History of American Influence in Latin America
As the U.S. election nears, officials in key states take unprecedented measures to counter disinformation, conspiracy theories, and threats that could undermine democracy.
Insights on Global Events and Personal Journeys in Politics
The Influence of Illegal Mining and How It Harms the Industry
How can you apologize for a genocide while committing a genocide in Palestine?
Comparing Acceptance, Resistance, and Future Outlooks Across Political Lines
Exploring What a Unified BRICS Currency Could Mean for the U.S. Dollar
Inside The Story. The Power of Truth in Revealing America's Medical Racism
Researchers believe this discovery may be associated with the long-term drop in male sperm levels seen worldwide.
How Biases, Education, and Modern Society Complicate Everyday Reasoning
Innovative reforms to build a democracy where every voice counts.
Guess words from 4 to 11 letters and create your own puzzles.Weaving together a number of solutions rather than just one.
Sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks
This ebook considers the social meanings of electricity as an energy technology that became adopted between the midnineteenth and early decades of the twentieth centuries.
Discusses about from the industial revolution to the developement of industries.