About Us

We take immense pride in our identity as an independent journalism platform. Independence is not just a label for us; it’s the bedrock upon which our entire operation is built. Here’s why independent journalism is at the core of what we do:

1. Unbiased Reporting: Our commitment to unbiased reporting is unwavering. We do not cater to any specific political or corporate interests, which allows us to provide you with news and analysis that is free from bias or external influence. Our editorial decisions are solely guided by journalistic ethics and the pursuit of truth.

2. Editorial Autonomy: We fiercely guard our editorial autonomy. This means that our team of dedicated journalists has full control over the stories we cover, the angles we explore, and the voices we amplify. There are no external parties dictating what we should or should not publish.

3. Diverse Perspectives: Independent journalism enables us to curate content that reflects a diverse range of perspectives. We actively seek out and welcome contributions from a variety of voices, including experts, activists, and community members, ensuring that our coverage is comprehensive and inclusive.

4. Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable to our readers, not to external stakeholders. This means that when we make mistakes, we own up to them and take corrective actions promptly. Our commitment to transparency builds trust with our audience.

5. Public Interest: Our primary allegiance is to the public interest. We prioritize stories and issues that matter to our readers and have a significant impact on society. Our reporting aims to inform, educate, and empower individuals to make informed decisions.

6. Serving the Truth: Independent journalism is a quest for the truth, and we are dedicated to that quest. We conduct thorough research, fact-check rigorously, and provide evidence-based analysis. Our aim is to shed light on complex topics like decolonization with accuracy and integrity.

7. Freedom from Influence: Decolonizd is not beholden to advertisers, sponsors, or special interest groups. Our financial sustainability is built on the support of our readers and supporters who value our commitment to independent journalism.

By championing independent journalism, Liberated Minds ensures that you, our readers, receive information that is credible, balanced, and untainted by external agendas. Our dedication to journalistic integrity empowers you to engage in the decolonization discourse with confidence, knowing that you are receiving information that is grounded in the pursuit of truth and justice


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